Electric Utility Basics
(1.5 days)

This course provides a foundational understanding of electric utilities, covering key concepts, components, and practices in the generation, transmission, and distribution of electric power. Participants will gain insights into the structure of electric utility systems and the factors influencing their operations. You will also learn the business and economic aspects of the electric power industry, the services and regulation involved in the various stages of power flow, the basics of power production and delivery, and the challenges and changes shaping the industry.

This class benefits:
anyone new to the electric power industry seeking basic understanding of the factors and fundamentals that have shaped the electric power business;
those with limited or specialized experience seeking to broaden their industry knowledge as a whole;
investors, analysts, regulatory, legislative, and other personnel seeking an overview of the electric power industry and market influences;

The amount of times I have tried to find a decent photo of a blank sketch book is too many. So I decided to create a few, starting with this one.


٠US Energy Usage and History
٠Regulatory bodies and their roles
٠Energy policies and standards
٠Historical development of electric utilities
٠Non-traditional Business Models
٠Importance and role of utilities in society
٠Deregulation & Markets
٠Basic Electrical Concepts
٠Overview of electric power systems
٠Generation Basics 
٠Power plant types and classifications
٠Generation Fuel Technologies and Diversity
٠Generation efficiency and environmental considerations
٠Renewable Energy Overview and Development
٠Renewable energy integration
٠Importance of energy storage in utilities
٠Energy Storage Projects
٠Transmission System Integration and Markets Distribution
٠High voltage transmission lines and substations
٠Grid architecture and control
٠Role of grid operators
٠Grid modernization initiatives
٠Factors influencing grid reliability
٠Integration of smart technologies in the grid
٠Distribution networks
٠Distribution automation and control
٠Strategies for outage prevention and recovery
٠Customer Energy Usage and Metering
٠Energy Conservation
٠Demand response and distributed energy resources
٠Electrification of transportation
٠Utility Rates & Ratemaking
٠Tariffs and rate structures
٠Sustainability and environmental considerations